By Mike Huggett
We have managed to trace the “Huggett” family back to 1757, several generations later my grandfather, Reuben James was born (1873-1935), he lived in Walthamstow for a significant period of that time. He was one of 8 children (4 boys & 4 girls). He married in 1895 to Clara and they had 9 children (8 boys & 1 girl).
We are fairly certain that Reuben (Snr) and most, if not all of his boys worked at “Harris Lebus” at some point in time.
There is evidence, on this website, that at least three of the boys did.
1) Ernest Andrew (1907-1975) with a photograph of his Long and Loyal Service watch (1923-1962).
2) William Henry (1901-1985) copies of documentation regarding an accident in the factory.
3) Horace Stanley (1916-1994) was the youngest boy and was my father. Below is a copy of a reference letter dated January 1947 which recommends my father to future employers. It also gives the period of his employment 2nd September 1942, to 18th October 1946. The picture of the “Mosquito” being taken by lorry out of the factory, which is on the website, shows my father second person on the left. Incidentally, I have an original copy of this photograph and my father has written on it “The last Mosquito leaving Harris Lebus on 18th April 1945”. We would love to know if any other Huggett’s are in this photograph.
4) For Reuben James (Snr) and his 5 sons listed below, we have no information about their possible employment at Harris Lebus:-
Reuben James (Jnr) 1897-1964
Alfred Joseph 1899-????
George Albert 1903-1968
Frederick Charles 1910-1987
Arthur John 1914-1943
If anybody has any information that could enhance and complete this story, please do respond via this website.