World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I

World War I
World War II

Horsa glider

Horsa glider

War time photograph of the management team in front of an airframe fabricated on the site

Maurice Grace, driver for Wades transporting a Mosquito

Landing Craft Assault built at Harris Lebus 1942

LCA’s in production at the Lebus factory

Extension of warehouses at the Lebus factory to accommodate aircraft production
World War II Lebus air raid shelters

Air raid shelter demolition 2008

Air raid shelter demolition 2008

Air raid shelter demolition 2008

Air raid shelter demolition 2008

Shelter interior


Crockery from the canteen

Hitler graffiti
Hello, My Name name is Michael Huggett and several ancestors worked for Harris Lebus over a number of years, notably Ernest Andrew who was presented with an engraved watch for his loyal service to the company. (See picture of uncle Ernest’s watch in gallery). I would appreciate some help in identifying any of the Huggett’s in the picture of the transporting of a Mosquito plane, (Also in the gallery) which I understand was the last one. Finally, can anybody give me a list of all of the Huggett’s that was employed by the company and possibly dates they started and finished employment.
My name is Matt Duver, I am a high school student working on an independent project to create Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc in virtual reality. The goal is to create an as accurate as possible recreation of the beach so it may be used for education. One of the moments I would like to capture is Company A landing in the first wave at Vierville Sur Mer. Those troops with British assistance landed on the beach in LCAs. I have spent a lot of time looking for schematics and reference photos of LCAs so they could be 3D modeled. I saw the one photo on the website of the LCAs mid construction. If you have any other photos or blueprints you are willing to share it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Matt