Louis Lebus 1817-1879

Harris Lebus 1852-1907

Sol Lebus 1866-1926

Sir Herman Lebus

Sir Herman Lebus

L S Lebus

Anthony Lebus

Oliver Lebus

John Lebus

Peter Lebus

The three children of Sir Herman Lebus: Barbara (Barbie) 1916 – 1993, Anthony 1914 – 1983 and Oliver 1918 – 2009

A visit to the factory from Louis H Lebus in 1959 who retired in 1947

Sir Heman Lebus welcomes the Duke of Edinburgh to the factory in 1955

Oliver Lebus and Princess Margaret during a visit to the factory in 1968

Louis H Lebus

Lady Ethel Lebus

L S Lebus and Edith Anne at the Tottenham palais de dance on the occasion of their wedding in 1928. The company presented them with a silver cutlery set. On the right of the couple is Louis H Lebus. On the left of the couple are Herman and Ethel Lebus
I’m researching family history in 1921 my great uncle was employed by Lebus & Co as an upholsterer.
Are there any employment records still surviving?